
If you don't watch tv, or want to watch tv, just check out: www.planetgreen.discovery.com and explore the green possiblities. 
For all your advocate tv-watchers there is a green channel for you too! Tune into Discovery's Planet Green channel. Some of the shows are project shows about things you can do to turn your life green and make your carbon footprint smaller.  Still others are reality shows about real people getting green. But if you remember Bill Nye the Science Guy, he has a show on Planet Green, called Stuff Happens. Just check it out, it's cheesy but very interesting and informative. So watch it and become GREEN!!!!!!!!! :) 


This is another blog sort of about crafts, but more about what you can do with your home and reducing, reusing and most importantly recycling. It also has to do with how teens can do this very easily and in fun ways.