
Covered Bridge and Farms

Ah so its still pretty much winter here in good ole' PA. But today we got lucky with a warm (and not so windy) day, unlike the past few chilly days. I am really excited for summer, my flip flops are waiting for me to call their names. But this fine day I took the advantage of having my dad's jeep all day. After church, my sister and I went for a picnic lunch outside the Griesemers' covered bridge. Being out there in the country side just reminded me of my home roots of PA. Its something I love to come back to and think about how hard my ancestors worked to create such an awesome area. They not only worked on the farms, building beautiful structures like these bridges and barns, but how resourceful they were. They pulled stone from the land, wood from the trees. They lived off the land. Look at the Amish of Lancaster county, they still live off the land. All their home, wonderfully made products they still use today can be found out their... Sometimes I think I was born in the wrong era. Being an artist, painting these types of scenes here in PA seemed more popular two hundred years ago. I should've been born in that time period, and I could learn sewing and handicraft from my mother and maybe paint (if I was lucky enough.) The good thing about living in this century is definitely women's rights have improved so much. In the 18th century, it'd be really hard for me to get the permission to go paint, since I'm a girl. But then I think, what if I was a boy, I could possibly have the opportunity.

Anyways with my ranting and dreaming. I saw this magnificent bridge in my backyard, took some awesome pictures. A few that I plan to paint and draw in the next couple months.

This is the bridge.

This is the barn I LOVED.

The old farm house owned by the family who built the bridge. It was so inspiring I took a picture of the broken old window.

Well that was my adventure. I hope you enjoyed it. :)


Fried Green Beans

I made wonderful food last night for dinner. My family said they wouldn't be good, but I proved them wrong. My fried green bean fries were amazing! Its a really easy recipe, I'd say even younger kids could help you make (except for the frying part, which I didn't have a deep fryer, I used a pan with oil.) Anyways they were good, I can still smell the savory-ness. xD

Ring I made.

Bracelet I made.

So I'm selling bracelets and rings (and necklaces and headbands) made of beads as well as recycled t-shirts. (not pictured...) So I am really excited and I like photographing them, they are pretty. :)


Ice Storm 2011

This week we had two days off from school, which is probably why I got so much crafting done. Tuesday it snowed like crazy and Wednesday it ice stormed like crazy. Here are some pretty images I took Wednesday morning after the storm. The beauty of the ice on everything really inspired me to step on my porch and take pictures. I didn't make it past my porch: 1) it was too icy on the sidewalks, 2) water melting everywhere would've killed my camera if it got on it, 3) i didn't want to risk going out any further into the FRIGID weather. So these are some bushes right off my porch, not the prettiest plants, but they sure do look cool with the ice.

All done now... peace. xD


I made some rolled fabric flowers. I took some pictures of them with this pretty glass engraving. When I photograph objects I like to use this area of my house, the color of the wall paint is so pretty and I thought it matched my dark greyish green flower nicely. I have been especially crafty lately, even selling some bracelets for my mission trip to Mexico in May. http://www.facebook.com/#!/pages/Bracelets-4-Mexico/164950350219959 Check them out. Also, I have been reading a lot more books lately. Currently I'm working on Tuesdays with Morrie. I have read Three Cups of Tea, The Bookseller of Kabul and Same Kind of Different as Me in the last few months. As my final months as a senior come to a close, reading, crafting and artwork at school are the only things keeping my Senioritus down. But I'm enjoying my final days here and can't wait to get to Arkansas! xD